Sommer's Universal Protective Reframe
Download the mp3 file hereFollow the steps below to download “Sommer’s Universal Protective Reframe” audio file.
- Right click the link below and choose “Download linked file” or “Save Link As” or “Save Target As” (The exact choice may depend on your operating system)
- You may be asked to specify a file name and location where you’d like to save the file. Your download should then begin.
- Once the download finishes, you can copy the mp3 audio file to your ipod, phone or music player to listen to it.
Right click this Link:
How to copy a file to your iphone/ipod:
- Open iTunes
- Click and drag the mp3 file to iTunes, it should then import into your iTunes library. If iTunes is your default music player, double clicking the file may also work.
- Synchronize or drag the file from your library to your iphone or ipod