Sommer's Universal Protective Reframe

Download the mp3 file here

Follow the steps below to download “Sommer’s Universal Protective Reframe” audio file.

  1. Right click the link below and choose “Download linked file” or “Save Link As” or “Save Target As” (The exact choice may depend on your operating system)
  2. You may be asked to specify a file name and location where you’d like to save the file. Your download should then begin.
  3. Once the download finishes, you can copy the mp3 audio file to your ipod, phone or music player to listen to it.

Right click this Link:

How to copy a file to your iphone/ipod:

  1. Open iTunes
  2. Click and drag the mp3 file to iTunes, it should then import into your iTunes library. If iTunes is your default music player, double clicking the file may also work.
  3. Synchronize or drag the file from your library to your iphone or ipod